In specific response to the first video, the one where the teenage girl's photo was taken off the web for an Australian Virgin Mobile ad: HOW did the marketing team at Virgin Mobile come up with this one? I literally don't see how a girl with a peace sign applies to cell phone usage besides having fun (?) and potential virginity. But that alone is inappropriate and not a decent cell phone ad. This really must have been a last minute find/design after either supreme laziness or just creativity-dry minds.
The second video was interesting to me! I for one often consider the boundries of copyrighted music and images. As an active blogger, I myself face the question of whether or not I am stealing someone else's work when I post an image found on the internet. As far as that goes though, as long as I am not stating that the work is mine when it in fact is not, I don't think it should be an issue. Because it is therefore just acting as a piece of inspiration and hopefully the original artist would be alright with their work being found inspiring to others that come across it. But the man that spoke on was talking more speciifacally as to where the boundries are for people who recreate that said piece of art work. Such as remixing a song, which is surely a common thing here in the twenty first century. I appreciated this man's point because he stood up for this generation's way of life, in the way that he stated that this is just our way of being creative. We have this entire world of creativity on the web and if we were to just block that out in fear of messing with someone else's works -- then that would be sad. Bottom line, there is still recreation occurring and as I said before as long as the person accredits the original artist, then I don't think it's a crime. The commercial end of it though, where the person would potentially be making money off of the recreation is a whole other messy realm to me and I am not informed enough to make my own stance on the issue.
Both videos touched upon the internet and how it opens up infinite doors, so good and some just leading into a world of legal issues. They display two sides of the multi faceted issue, one where a person's comfort is mettled with, and another where in general people are disobeying the law by "acting out" creatively. I feel as though this will be an on going issue and discussion as long as the internet is a prominent resource in the creative world.
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